National University Honours 1st Year Admission Result 2021-22: NU Admission Result 2021 going to publish very soon. Honours Admission Result will publish on 26 September 2021.
All students will access their NU 1st Year Admission Result by the National university official website at If you are candidates for Honours Admission.
Then you need to read this article. Today we are going to discuss about Honours Admission Result published to date, Honors Admission Result checking methods and more.
National University Honours Admission Result 2021
Bangladesh National University Honours Admission Test Result for the academic session 2021-22. A huge number of candidates applied for the Honours Admission.
The result will publish by three steps such as 1st Merit List, 2nd Merit list and 3rd Merit list. So, if you want to check your Admission result. Then don’t worry. We have given below the result checking full details.
- Read More: Honours Admission Notice 2020-2021
Honours Admission Result 2021-22 Publish Date
It is the most common question for all candidates. Because most of the candidates don’t know the NU Honours Admission Result date.
We inform you, NU Authority published the Admission Result 2021-2022 Date. The 1st Merit Result will publish on 26 September 2021. But 2nd the Merit list and 3rd Merit List result date not publish yet.
How to get Honours Admission Result 2021?
Candidates will collect their NU Admission Result 2021 by various methods like the NU official website and Mobile SMS. When the result will be published, The result will available on National University official website at
Below we have discussed the online result checking methods and Mobile SMS methods. If you want to collect your NU Admission Result very quickly. The following here the result checking method.
Degree Admission Result 20200-21
NU Honours Admission Result By Online
Online process is the best way to collect the result. Candidates will access their Honours Admission Result by National University official website at Firstly visit this link and log in to your student ID Account.
After login, you will show your Result here. If you not selected for admission to 1st merit list then you have to wait for the next merit list. You May follow this introduction below.
- Click on The Direct Result Link from here (Click Here)
- Then Give Your Admission Roll Number and PIN Number.
- Now Click The Ger Result Button.
- After click on the Get Result button, NU Admission Result will show the screen.
Honours Admission Result 2021 By SMS
Mobile SMS method is another easy method. Candidates will get the NU Admission Result by any Mobile SIM operator like Grameenphobe, Banglalink, Airtel, Teletlk and more.
If you want to collect your result by SMS. Then you need to send an SMS on the 16222 Number. Below we have shared the SMS format for check Honours Admission Result 2020. You may follow it.
- SMS Format: NU <space> ATHN <space> Roll Number and send it to 16222
- Example: NU ATHN 325478 and send it to 16222 Number
Final Word
We have provided all kinds of information about Honours Admission Result 2021-2022. We think now you will check your result very quickly without any confusion. Also, if you have face any problem. Then you can comment below. We are always ready to provide the help you.